The technology
PRINTOLOGIC offers large companies and organisations with huge print volumes a solution that allows them to significantly reduce their printing costs.
This year SzondaPhone Kft. finished its multi-year R&D project called “Developing an intelligent technology and hardware for working groups to manage, distribute and monitor printing tasks”. When it comes to printing, the key areas where costs can be reduced are paper and ink consumption, and employee capacity. In addition to direct savings, the technology also has a social value, as by reducing paper and ink consumption it also significantly reduces the environmental effect of printing.

The technology allows organisations to reduce the labour requirement for printing-related tasks by months on a yearly basis. Through saving time and eliminating the annoying errors and problems that often occur during printing with conventional solutions, PRINTOLOGIC contributes to a more relaxed, and thereby a more productive work environment. To meet the above objectives, in the framework of the project a print management solution was developed that allows users to select printing settings from a predefined set of printing profiles with a single click. All printing features and settings available in the different operating systems are displayed on an integrated print management interface for the applications from which printing is initiated, irrespective of the printing hardware used, which profoundly transforms and enhances printing capabilities both in terms of features and administration. The key feature of PRINTOLOGIC is that the technology functions through a special hardware practically without installation, which means that the device works as a virtual printer, thus replacing complicated software architecture. The hardware functions as a printing server, that is, the PRINTOLOGIC server receives printing tasks through network protocols, and then converts and sends them to the printers.
The project resulted in the development of a multifaceted print management technology installed on a special device, which fully meets all the above objectives.
About us
SzondaPhone Kft has served its Clients since 1998, with top-quality telephony-based services backed by state-of-the-art technology. It’s been over a quarter-century. And, thanks to our Clients and colleagues (as well as the quality we provide), our growth has continued ever since. Our company is being expanded at the Budapest site as well as nationwide. In 2006, we opened a site in Nyíregyháza, then another one in Miskolc in 2010, increasing the number of our workstations to over 500. With their relevant knowledge and supportive attitudes, our managers contribute a lot to the constant progress of our company. Almost all of our employees in the “cockpits”, as well as in the back offices, have worked as operators before, so they all have the relevant experience to understand the responsibilities and issues that may await them.
Telemarketing-szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft.
HU 1096 Budapest, Thaly Kálmán u 39.
Tel.: +36 1 467 5520
Fax: +36 1 236 1293
HU 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 32/B.
Tel.:+36 30 444 9053